FREMO Contents | FREMO-STW | Subsystems | Watti |
This message is sent from the signalling kernel (for example Elekdra) to a device that controls one or more signals.
The message is based on the OPC_SE message, similarly used by JMRI (line 642):
Byte Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mnemonic OPC=0xE4 len=9 SE_HI SE_LO SE_CMD=1 SE_STAT SPD_AX SPD_XA CHK
Usage of data fields:
Mnemonic Usage SE_HI:SE_LO ID of addressed Security Element SE_CMD Message semantics, constant 1 SE_STAT Used for 7 flags to encode special displays. Default assignment see below SPD_AX Signal state. For mapping to logical aspect, see below SPD_XA Reserved for future use, maybe 7 more flags
This table defines the legal values in SPD_AX.
Important note: this is also used for encoding signal states on the block interface between stations! The currently used software of the Watti decoder still uses an older 5-bit encoding, but is currently reworked in order to support this definition.
value menmonic semantics (en) Bedeutung (de) DB 0x40 STOP_EMRED emergency red Notrot Hp0 0x41 SHUNT_GO shunting permitted Rangieren erlaubt Sh1, Hp0+Sh1 0x42 SIGNAL_DARK all lamps off Dunkelschaltung Hauptsignal ohne Licht 0x43 KENNLICHT marker light Kennlicht Ke 0x44 JOKER incompatible to anything else n/a 0x45 SUBSTITUTION Substitution signal Ersatzsignal Zs1 0x46 COUNTERLINE Counter Line Substitution Signal Falschfahrt-Auftragssignal Zs8 0x47 CAUTIOUSNESS Cautiousness signal Vorsichtsignal Zs7 0x00 STOP absolute stop Halt Hp0, Hp00, Sh0 0x02 GO_10 10 km/h Hp2+Zs3(1) 0x04 GO_20 20 km/h Hp2+Zs3(2) 0x06 GO_30 30 km/h Hp2+Zs3(3) 0x08 GO_40 40 km/h Hp2 0x0A GO_50 50 km/h Hp2+Zs3(5) 0x0C GO_60 60 km/h Hp2+Zs3(6) 0x0E GO_70 70 km/h Hp1+Zs3(7) 0x10 GO_80 80 km/h Hp1+Zs3(8) 0x12 GO_90 90 km/h Hp1+Zs3(9) 0x14 GO_100 100 km/h Hp1+Zs3(10) 0x16 GO_110 110 km/h Hp1+Zs3(11) 0x18 GO_120 120 km/h Hp1+Zs3(12) 0x1A GO_130 130 km/h Hp1+Zs3(13) 0x3F GO proceed unlimited freie Fahrt Hp1
Color usage:
Color Meaning pink no distant signalling, states are checked for identity green speed information, used in distant signalling, states may be checked relatively
This table defines the use of the individual bits in SE_STAT. The quoted states are actually used and may be complemented by any additional ones, which are considered to be useful and really used.
bit index default semantics (en) default Bedeutung (de, DB) 0 Left track 'Gleiswechselbetrieb' Gleiswechselanzeiger Zs6, wird nur bei Fahrtbegriffen beachtet 1 Short distance pre-signaling Zusatzlicht am Vorsignal (am Mast des Hauptsignals) bei verkürztem Abstand; wird bei Ks1 ohne Zs3v ignoriert. 2 Stagewise down-signaling Gestufte Heruntersignalisierung z.B. Vr0 + Zs3v bei H/V-Signalen oder bei Ks-Signalen, wird nur bei Fahrtbegriffen mit Zs3v beachtet und nur an Vorsignalen dargestellt. 3 Joker TBD 4 Joker TBD 5 Joker TBD 6 Joker TBD
FREMO Contents | FREMO-STW | Subsystems | Watti |
Author of this page: Stefan Bormann. |