FREMO Inhalt | FREMO-STW | ZNF800 |
The idea is to emulate a ZLV bus over a series of station loconets and block connections.
This example shows two stations. The station on the left side has a station wide loconet (we call it LoTUSnet). The kernel of the station on the right directly connects to the block interface, for example with a RS244-RS232 converter between the COM port of a PC and the block cable.
ZLV ZLV Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Generic 8 Generic 8 SLIP SLIP LocoNet LocoNet Block Block station wide LocoNet Block Cable ZN kernel connected via LocoNet Block board ZN kernel with direct Block Interface left station right station
ZLV-Bus is a bus system that was introduced by the prototype DB in the 80ies to communicate train movements among a set of neighbouring stations. The payload of the prototype telegrams is used here.
The ZLV bus is a broadcast bus. Any station sends a telegram and every station can receive and for example display the a movement. This layer simulates a broadcast over a series of block cables and station wide LocoNets. This layer especially handles the supression of dublicates that can be created from loops in the cabling topology.
In order to transport transparent data of bytes, we need a mechanism to transport 8 bit bytes over LocoNet, which only supports 7 bit bytes natively.
"Serial Line Internet Protocol" is a very simple protocol to send packets over a byte stream. It does not have to do anything with IP itself. It is just used to signal packet start and end.
The LocoNet as invented and documented by Digitrax.
The block cable as used for the simple German block logic implemented so far.
FREMO Inhalt | FREMO-STW | ZNF800 |
Author of this page: Stefan Bormann. |