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Configuration Switches for Table Interface


This holds configuration switches for Elekdra Table Interface SpDrS60 ETIS60 runtime. Can be used multible. Please note, that successor elements can overwrite predecessors.

Sub tags

Tag Description
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Name of Departurefield
Some String value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Name of Departurefield
Some String value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Name of LocalArea
Some String value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Name of LocalArea
Some String value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: Edirection
Cardinality: once
Type of Field
Some Type value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: Etype
Cardinality: once
Type of Field
Some Type value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Name of Occupance
Some String value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Name of Occupance
Some String value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Position X of Field
Some int value, X Pos of Field. Is mandatory.
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Position Y of Field
Some int value, Y Pos of Field. Is mandatory.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Name of Field in Interlocking
Some String value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Name of Field in Interlocking
Some String value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Name of Field in Interlocking
Some String value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Label of Field
Some String value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Label of Field
Some String value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Label of Field
Some String value, Label of Field. Is optional.
Type: boolean
Cardinality: once
Address of Button
Some int value, Address of Button. Is optional.
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Address of Button
Some int value, Address of Button. Is optional.
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Type: EColor
Cardinality: once
Type: EColor
Cardinality: once
Type: File
Cardinality: once
Type: String
Cardinality: once

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