Index of configuration file tags


This is an index over the tags that can be used for configuration of Elekdra and its clients. The configuration can be spread over several files and tags for several programs can be mixed. The loading application filters out the configuration that is applicable for itself and ignores anything else.

Index by package

Package: Shared between several clients

Tag Title
client.elekdra Configuration of TCP connection to Elekdra
client.loconet Configuration of TCP connection to Loconet

Package: ZNA800 subsystem of Elekdra

Tag Title
zn.mirror_fields Configuration of mirror fields
zn.aliased_mirror_field Configuration of mirror field with alias
zn.open_track_fields Train number field definition for open track
zn.foreign_open_track_fields Layout specific configuration of neighboring stations
zn.own_field Name of a train number field in our station
zn.station Configuration of the local ZNF800 subsystem
zn.zlv_over_tcp Configuration of a communication link to a TCP server

Package: EKA/DET client

Tag Title
eka_det.device ZN800 user interface device.
client.elekdra Configuration of TCP connection to Elekdra
zn.foreign_open_track_fields Layout specific configuration of neighboring stations
zn.station Configuration of the local ZNF800 subsystem

Package: Automated route client

Tag Title
auli.configurations Configuration Switches for AULI Runtime
auli.rule AULI Rule

Package: Austrian SpDrS60 client

Tag Title
etis60.configurations Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.field Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.group_button Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.track Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.signal Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.turnout Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.ddc Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.znfield Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.block Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.lcss Configuration Switches for Table Interface

Package: ELUI client

Tag Title
elui.configurations -
elui.window -

Package: Train number display client (znf800client)

Tag Title
client.elekdra Configuration of TCP connection to Elekdra
znclient.track Train number display field for a track.
znclient.offer Display for offer field.
znclient.notify Display for notify field.
client.loconet Configuration of TCP connection to Loconet
zn.station Configuration of the local ZNF800 subsystem

Package: German SpDrS60 client

Tag Title
spdrs60.Aussentasten Configuration of outer keys
spdrs60.counters Configuration to declare a counter board
spdrs60.s60v2 Configuration to declare a version two board
client.elekdra Configuration of TCP connection to Elekdra
spdrs60.Turnout Configuration of a normal turnout
spdrs60.MandatorySignal Mandatory signal indicators and button
spdrs60.StandardEinAus Configuration of table on/off
spdrs60.BlockTf71 Configuration of Tf71 block
spdrs60.BlockRelais Configuration of relay block field
spdrs60.AutoBlock Configuration of automatic block for a single track
spdrs60.BlockPermission Configuration of permission field
spdrs60.BlockInterfaceFailure Configuration of block interface failure indicator
spdrs60.Track Configuration of a piece of track
spdrs60.Track.J1 Track wired over J1
spdrs60.Track.J2 Track wired over J2
spdrs60.RouteTarget A route target button
client.loconet Configuration of TCP connection to Loconet

Package: Script client

Tag Title
client.elekdra Configuration of TCP connection to Elekdra
client.loconet Configuration of TCP connection to Loconet
elekdra.scripting Declaration of some scripts.

Package: Elekdra interlocking kernel

Tag Title
elekdra.turnout -
elekdra.track -
elekdra.trackunion -
elekdra.trackcrossing -
elekdra.lcss -
elekdra.derailer -
elekdra.signal Configuration for general signal
elekdra.distantsignal Configuration of a distant signal. Target element for a route
elekdra.fieldblock Field block for bidirectional track
elekdra.fieldblock_in Field block for incoming track
elekdra.fieldblock_out Field block for outgoing track
elekdra.axle_block Automatic block with axle counters
elekdra.sensor_block Automatic block with track circuit
elekdra.blockrs232interface Block interface via serial interface.
elekdra.blocktcpinterface Block interface via TCP/IP with manual configuration.
elekdra.blockautotcpinterface Block interface via TCP/IP with automatic configuration.
elekdra.sensor Track circuit based track vacancy detection
elekdra.axle_occupy_sensor Axle counter based track vacancy detection
elekdra.axlecountsensor Configuration of a single sensor that can count axles
elekdra.dependence -
elekdra.configurations Configuration Switches for Elekdra Runtime
elekdra.scripting Declaration of some scripts.
elekdra.route Train or shunting route
elekdra.lou -
elekdra.loa -
elekdra.block_post Remote controlled block post

Index by category

Category: Signal

Tag Title
elekdra.signal Configuration for general signal
elekdra.distantsignal Configuration of a distant signal.
spdrs60.MandatorySignal Mandatory signal indicators and button

Category: Setup

Tag Title
elekdra.configurations Configuration Switches for Elekdra Runtime
elekdra.scripting Declaration of some scripts.
zn.station Configuration of the local ZNF800 subsystem
client.elekdra Configuration of TCP connection to Elekdra
client.loconet Configuration of TCP connection to Loconet
auli.configurations Configuration Switches for AULI Runtime
auli.rule AULI Rule
etis60.configurations Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.field Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.group_button Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.track Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.signal Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.turnout Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.ddc Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.znfield Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.block Configuration Switches for Table Interface
etis60.lcss Configuration Switches for Table Interface
spdrs60.Aussentasten Configuration of outer keys
spdrs60.counters Configuration to declare a counter board
spdrs60.s60v2 Configuration to declare a version two board
spdrs60.StandardEinAus Configuration of table on/off
eka_det.device ZN800 user interface device.

Category: Layout specific

Tag Title
zn.mirror_fields Configuration of mirror fields
zn.aliased_mirror_field Configuration of mirror field with alias
zn.zlv_over_tcp Configuration of a communication link to a TCP server

Category: Turnout

Tag Title
spdrs60.Turnout Configuration of a normal turnout

Category: Track

Tag Title
elekdra.sensor Track circuit based track vacancy detection
elekdra.axle_occupy_sensor Axle counter based track vacancy detection
elekdra.axlecountsensor Configuration of a single sensor that can count axles
zn.open_track_fields Train number field definition for open track
zn.foreign_open_track_fields Layout specific configuration of neighboring stations
zn.own_field Name of a train number field in our station
spdrs60.Track Configuration of a piece of track
spdrs60.Track.J1 Track wired over J1
spdrs60.Track.J2 Track wired over J2
znclient.track Train number display field for a track.
znclient.offer Display for offer field.
znclient.notify Display for notify field.

Category: Route

Tag Title Target element for a route
elekdra.route Train or shunting route
spdrs60.RouteTarget A route target button

Category: Block

Tag Title
elekdra.fieldblock Field block for bidirectional track
elekdra.fieldblock_in Field block for incoming track
elekdra.fieldblock_out Field block for outgoing track
elekdra.axle_block Automatic block with axle counters
elekdra.sensor_block Automatic block with track circuit
elekdra.blockrs232interface Block interface via serial interface.
elekdra.blocktcpinterface Block interface via TCP/IP with manual configuration.
elekdra.blockautotcpinterface Block interface via TCP/IP with automatic configuration.
elekdra.block_post Remote controlled block post
spdrs60.BlockTf71 Configuration of Tf71 block
spdrs60.BlockRelais Configuration of relay block field
spdrs60.AutoBlock Configuration of automatic block for a single track
spdrs60.BlockPermission Configuration of permission field
spdrs60.BlockInterfaceFailure Configuration of block interface failure indicator

Category: No category given

Tag Title
elekdra.turnout -
elekdra.track -
elekdra.trackunion -
elekdra.trackcrossing -
elekdra.lcss -
elekdra.derailer -
elekdra.dependence -
elekdra.lou -
elekdra.loa -
elui.configurations -
elui.window -

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