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Configuration of mirror field with alias


For display of train locations that are not controlled by the own station, these mirror fields can be defined. The local ZNF800 system does never write any trains into mirror fields. They are just for duplication of information that might be displayed by the user interface client, because it is interesting for operation planning purposes. This is similar to but not the same as a notify field of an open track.


This adds a mirror fields station 7 calls it 42, station 9 calls it 101. 7/42 will be used to identify the field for the user interface. Both 7/42 and 9/101 are accepted as identification of this field for updates from the ZLV bus.

Sub tags

Tag Description
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Station identification on bus
This identifies the first station which 'owns' the fields.
Type: int
Cardinality: once
Station identification on bus
This identifies the second station which 'owns' the fields.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Field names in station_a
The name of the fields that shall be mirrored as known by station_a.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Field names in station_b
The name of the fields that shall be mirrored as known by station_b.

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