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Configuration of relay block field


The default wireing for this field is described on this website. This is the track occupation part of the user interface for the element that was configured to Elekdra in <elekdra.fieldblock>. If this element is used for a track with bidirectional traffic, you need to configure the permission field for the same block with <spdrs60.BlockPermission>


Configuration of relaiy block 'BlA' that uses default mapping with board 'RB' for relay block and board 'Per' for permission field

Sub tags

Tag Description
Type: OutputAddress
Cardinality: optional [0..1]
Vorblockmelder rot
If this is omitted, the default applies.
Type: OutputAddress
Cardinality: optional [0..1]
Vorblockmelder weiß
If this is omitted, the default applies.
Type: OutputAddress
Cardinality: optional [0..1]
If this is omitted, the default applies.
Type: OutputAddress
Cardinality: optional [0..1]
Rückblockmelder rot
If this is omitted, the default applies.
Type: OutputAddress
Cardinality: optional [0..1]
Rückblockmelder weiß
If this is omitted, the default applies.
Type: OutputAddress
Cardinality: optional [0..1]
If this is omitted, the default applies.
Type: InputAddress
Cardinality: optional [0..1]
If this is omitted, the default applies.
Type: InputAddress
Cardinality: optional [0..1]
If this is omitted, the default applies.
Type: EDirectionOfTraffic
Cardinality: optional [0..1]
Direction of traffic
This decides which of the inputs and outputs are actually present.
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Name of the element as given in Elekdra configuration.
This is used as reference for communication on the user interface TCP connection to Elekdra.
Type: String
Cardinality: optional [0..1]
Bord for default wiring
This references to tags <spdrs60.s60v2> or similar. If no default wiring is used, this can be omitted. For default wiring, this tag referres to wiring specifies on this website.

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