FREMO Interlocking

FREMO Interlocking

The Goal of this project ( to collect all those things, which are developed for interlocking systems for modellrailroading in the FREMO, or from others who want to contribute to this project.

FStw: FREMO Stellwerk

Hardware and software for an electronic "control table" interlocking with decentralized element controllers (EC). This interlocking system is based on a communication bus, which is Loconet© compatible.

ZNF800: Train describer

All you need to build up a train describer, very similar to the ZN800 of the German Railway (DB).

Development & Test systems

A lot of equipment is necessary for developing or testing purposes. All the information to the equipment, we developed for these purposes, can be found here.


A Java program for the interlocking logic is under development. Miscellaneous user interfaces will be developed. The first one will be a computer user interface with Austrian prototype, but old tables of relay based systems will be supported later, too. Specification and sources are evolving in CVS.

STN - Signal Tower Net

A network for implementation of an interlocking. The intelligence is distributed to the embedded nodes.

BUE_F05: Levelcrossing for FREMO use

A "simple" solution for a levelcrossing. At the moment there will be only implementations for levelcrossings of DB and DR in epoche 3 and 4. (Sorry: German language only at the moment.)