FREMO Interlocking
Development & Test systems

Development & Test Systems

On this page you'll find all the hardware for development and test systems, we developed for our own purposes.
Hint: All schematics and board layouts are done with Eagle. Please download the Eagle Freeware Version, if you want to read the data.

Logistics board

This board is an adapter between many connectors and electrical implementations of LocoNet alias LoTUSNet used by FREMO. It includes the following functionallities:

The design can be seen here:


The Proto_128 is a PCB (100*100mm) containing an Atmel AVR Mega128, all the stuff for an serial adapter (RS232), a Loconet© interface and a LotusNet interface.

The actual revision 3 has a little bug. Two pins of the MAX232 are mixed up, therefore you have to bend them up an rewire them, for more details see the picture.


The Proto_48 is series of small PCB, one containing an Atmel AVR Mega48/88/168 (Mega8 compatible) with all possible pins put on pin headers, an other containing the stuff for a serial adapter (RS232) and the third containing a Loconet© interface.

Bus Monitoring Computer (BMC) for Loconet© and LotusNet

From time to time, there are situations, in which we want to know exactly, what is happening on the bus. Our usual equipment, as Locobuffer, Locolinx and so on, are not really sufficient, because they filter the data stream and don't deliver any time information. On the other hand the information of an oscilloscope is much to detailed and only a very short snapshot. Therefore we need a BMC, which send the raw data stream with additional (time) information to a PC, where the stream can be examined. A proposal can be found here.