FREMO InterlockingThe Goal of this project ( to collect all those things, which are developed for interlocking systems for modellrailroading in the FREMO, or from others who want to contribute to this project. FStw: FREMO StellwerkHardware and software for an electronic "control table" interlocking with decentralized element controllers (EC). This interlocking system is based on a communication bus, which is Loconet© compatible. ZNF800: Train describerAll you need to build up a train describer, very similar to the ZN800 of the German Railway (DB). Development & Test systemsA lot of equipment is necessary for developing or testing purposes. All the information to the equipment, we developed for these purposes, can be found here. ElekdraA Java program for the interlocking logic is under development. Miscellaneous user interfaces will be developed. The first one will be a computer user interface with Austrian prototype, but old tables of relay based systems will be supported later, too. Specification and sources are evolving in CVS. STN - Signal Tower NetA network for implementation of an interlocking. The intelligence is distributed to the embedded nodes. BUE_F05: Levelcrossing for FREMO useA "simple" solution for a levelcrossing. At the moment there will be only implementations for levelcrossings of DB and DR in epoche 3 and 4. (Sorry: German language only at the moment.)