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Configuration of a single sensor that can count axles


This adds an axle counting device to the Elekdra configuration. A possible implementation is described here


A counter with name 'eye' at LN address '4711':

Sub tags

Tag Description
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Name of the device
This is referenced by the adjacent track vacancy detection districts configured with <elekdra.axle_occupy_sensor>.
Type: int
Cardinality: once
LocoNet address
This is the address for received OPC_ANALOGIO messages received by Elekdra
Type: DirectionalEvent[]
Cardinality: optional collection [0..N]
Clear route by target
Any axle will clear a route over the referenced element
Type: DirectionalEvent[]
Cardinality: optional collection [0..N]
Clear route by element
Any axle will clear a route to the referenced target
Type: DirectionalEvent[]
Cardinality: optional collection [0..N]
Set signal to stop
Any axle will set the referenced signal to stop

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