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Axle counter based track vacancy detection


This adds a track vacancy detection district that gets its input from axle counting devices. There must be at least one referenced device.

Sub tags

Tag Description
Type: String[]
Cardinality: optional collection [0..N]
Counter devices that count up
This references counting devices that report increased counter values, when axles enter the district. This is a reverence to the name of a <elekdra.axlecountsensor>
Type: String[]
Cardinality: optional collection [0..N]
Counter devices that count down
This references counting devices that report increised counter values, when axles leave the district. This is a reverence to the name of a <elekdra.axlecountsensor>
Type: String
Cardinality: once
Name of the sensor for reference
This is referenced for example by a contact of an <elekdra.fieldblock>.
Type: Event[]
Cardinality: optional collection [0..N]
Consumers of every received message
Type: Event[]
Cardinality: optional collection [0..N]
Consumer of every state change
Type: Event[]
Cardinality: optional collection [0..N]
Consumers of rising state changes
Type: Event[]
Cardinality: optional collection [0..N]
Consumers of falling state changes
Type: File
Cardinality: once
Type: String
Cardinality: once

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